Mini CV
- Depuis 2012 – chercheur au CPTP U1043 puis IRSD INSERM 1220 "Rôle des protéases dans l’homéostasie de la barrière intestinale" (Equipe Nathalie Vergnolle) - Rôle de l'infection par le parasite Toxoplasma gondii sur l'homéostasie intestinale
- 2011- 2012 - Stage post-doctoral CNRS UMR5089 -Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale (Toulouse) -"Rôle de TFIIH dans la biogenèse des ribosomes – Implications dans la variabilité phénotypique des maladies associées à des mutations dans des sous-unités de TFIIH" (Dr G. Gigli-Mari)
- 2008-2011 - Stage post-doctoral CNRS UM5099 Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire Eucaryote (Toulouse) " Caractérisation de facteurs impliqués à la fois dans la biogenèse des ribosomes et le cycle cellulaire " (Dr M. Ferrer / Dr Y. Henry)
- 2007 - Thèse d’Université INSERM U563 Toulouse « Etude fonctionnelle de LEKTI et de sa nouvelle cible, l’élastase 2 pancréatique" (Pr Alain Hovnanian)
- Since 2012 - Researcher at INSERM U1043 then IRSD INSERM 1220
- "The role of proteases in the intestinal barrier homeostasis " (Team Nathalie Vergnolle) / Role of Toxoplasma gondii infection on gut homeostasis
- 2011- 2012 - Post-doctoral CNRS UMR5089 -Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (Toulouse) - "Role of TFIIH in ribosome biogenesis - Implications in the phenotypic variability of diseases associated with mutations in TFIIH subunits "(Dr G. Gigli-Mari)
- 2008-2011 - Post-doctoral CNRS UM5099 Eukaryotic Molecular Biology Laboratory (Toulouse) "Characterization of factors involved in both ribosome biogenesis and cell cycle" (Dr. M. Ferrer / Dr Y. Henry)
- 2007 – PhD at INSERM U563 "functional study of LEKTI and its new target, pancreatic elastase 2" (Prof. Alain Hovnanian)
- Biochimie des protéases et de leurs inhibiteurs (dosages d'activités protéolytiques in vitro, zymographie in situ, profil protéolytique par ABP (Activity-based probes)
- Culture cellulaire (cellules épithéliales intestinales
- Culture et manipulation du parasite Toxoplasma gondii in vitro et in vivo (modèle murin d’iléite infectieuse)
- immunofluorescence
- Culture (intestinal epithelial cells, Toxoplasma gondii parasites) – protease biochemistry – Immunofluoresence – Murine model of infectious ileitis
Recherche/projet research/project
Mon projet n°1 vise à étudier la signalisation protéolytique par les récepteurs PAR (Protease-Activated Receptor) et à analyser l'impact sur l'homéostasie de la barrière intestinale.
Dans un deuxième axe de recherche, je m'intéresse aux relations hôte-pathogène au niveau de la barrière intestinale avec un focus sur le parasite Toxoplasma gondii.
Mon projet vise à étudier comment une infection chronique par le parasite T. gondii peut perturber le tissu intestinal, notamment sa composante immunitaire, mais aussi neuronale (projet en coll. avec Nicolas Blanchard, Infinity)
2 main projects :
Proteolytic signaling by receptor PAR (Protease-Activated Receptor) : impact in gut barrier homeostasis
Host-pathogen relationship at the intestinal barrier (Toxoplasma gondii)
Dans un deuxième axe de recherche, je m'intéresse aux relations hôte-pathogène au niveau de la barrière intestinale avec un focus sur le parasite Toxoplasma gondii.
Mon projet vise à étudier comment une infection chronique par le parasite T. gondii peut perturber le tissu intestinal, notamment sa composante immunitaire, mais aussi neuronale (projet en coll. avec Nicolas Blanchard, Infinity)
2 main projects :
Proteolytic signaling by receptor PAR (Protease-Activated Receptor) : impact in gut barrier homeostasis
Host-pathogen relationship at the intestinal barrier (Toxoplasma gondii)
Production scientifique scientific production
Epithelial production of elastase is increased in inflammatory bowel disease and causes mucosal inflammation.
Motta JP, Rolland C, Edir A, Florence AC, Sagnat D, Bonnart C, Rousset P, Guiraud L, Quaranta-Nicaise M, Mas E, Bonnet D, Verdu EF, McKay DM, Buscail E, Alric L, Vergnolle N, Deraison C. Mucosal Immunol. 2021 May;14(3):667-678. doi: 10.1038/s41385-021-00375-w. Epub 2021 Mar 5. PMID: 33674762 Free PMC article.
Colitis Linked to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Induces Trypsin Activity Affecting Epithelial Functions.
Solà Tapias N, Denadai-Souza A, Rolland-Fourcade C, Quaranta-Nicaise M, Blanpied C, Marcellin M, Edir A, Rolland C, Cirillo C, Dietrich G, Alric L, Portier G, Kirzin S, Bonnet D, Mas E, Burlet-Schiltz O, Deraison C, Bonnart C, Vergnolle N, Barreau F. J Crohns Colitis. 2021 Sep 25;15(9):1528-1541. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab035. PMID: 33609354
A role for early oral exposure to house dust mite allergens through breast milk in IgE-mediated food allergy susceptibility.
Rekima A, Bonnart C, Macchiaverni P, Metcalfe J, Tulic MK, Halloin N, Rekima S, Genuneit J, Zanelli S, Medeiros S, Palmer DJ, Prescott S, Verhasselt V. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 May;145(5):1416-1429.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.12.912. Epub 2020 Jan 17. PMID: 31954775 Clinical Trial.
House dust mites activate nociceptor-mast cell clusters to drive type 2 skin inflammation.
Serhan N, Basso L, Sibilano R, Petitfils C, Meixiong J, Bonnart C, Reber LL, Marichal T, Starkl P, Cenac N, Dong X, Tsai M, Galli SJ, Gaudenzio N. Nat Immunol. 2019 Nov;20(11):1435-1443. doi: 10.1038/s41590-019-0493-z. Epub 2019 Oct 7. PMID: 31591569 Free PMC article.
Sexual dimorphism in PAR2-dependent regulation of primitive colonic cells.
Noguerol J, Roustan PJ, N'Taye M, Delcombel L, Rolland C, Guiraud L, Sagnat D, Edir A, Bonnart C, Denadai-Souza A, Deraison C, Vergnolle N, Racaud-Sultan C. Biol Sex Differ. 2019 Sep 6;10(1):47. doi: 10.1186/s13293-019-0262-6. PMID: 31492202 Free PMC article.
Active thrombin produced by the intestinal epithelium controls mucosal biofilms.
Motta JP, Denadai-Souza A, Sagnat D, Guiraud L, Edir A, Bonnart C, Sebbag M, Rousset P, Lapeyre A, Seguy C, Mathurine-Thomas N, Galipeau HJ, Bonnet D, Alric L, Buret AG, Wallace JL, Dufour A, Verdu EF, Hollenberg MD, Oswald E, Serino M, Deraison C, Vergnolle N. Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 19;10(1):3224. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11140-w. PMID: 31324782 Free PMC article.
Functional Proteomic Profiling of Secreted Serine Proteases in Health and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Denadai-Souza A, Bonnart C, Tapias NS, Marcellin M, Gilmore B, Alric L, Bonnet D, Burlet-Schiltz O, Hollenberg MD, Vergnolle N, Deraison C. Sci Rep. 2018 May 18;8(1):7834. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26282-y. PMID: 29777136 Free PMC article.
Protease-activated receptor 2 contributes to Toxoplasma gondii-mediated gut inflammation.
Bonnart C, Feuillet G, Vasseur V, Cenac N, Vergnolle N, Blanchard N. Parasite Immunol. 2017 Nov;39(11). doi: 10.1111/pim.12489. Epub 2017 Sep 27. PMID: 28881035
PAR2-dependent activation of GSK3β regulates the survival of colon stem/progenitor cells.
Nasri I, Bonnet D, Zwarycz B, d'Aldebert E, Khou S, Mezghani-Jarraya R, Quaranta M, Rolland C, Bonnart C, Mas E, Ferrand A, Cenac N, Magness S, Van Landeghem L, Vergnolle N, Racaud-Sultan C. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2016 Aug 1;311(2):G221-36. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00328.2015. Epub 2016 Jun 16. PMID: 27313176 Free PMC article.
Presence of commensal house dust mite allergen in human gastrointestinal tract: a potential contributor to intestinal barrier dysfunction.
Tulic MK, Vivinus-Nébot M, Rekima A, Rabelo Medeiros S, Bonnart C, Shi H, Walker A, Dainese R, Boyer J, Vergnolle N, Piche T, Verhasselt V. Gut. 2016 May;65(5):757-66. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2015-310523. Epub 2015 Dec 8. PMID: 26646935
Mutations in TFIIH causing trichothiodystrophy are responsible for defects in ribosomal RNA production and processing.
Nonnekens J, Perez-Fernandez J, Theil AF, Gadal O, Bonnart C, Giglia-Mari G. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Jul 15;22(14):2881-93. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddt143. Epub 2013 Apr 4. PMID: 23562818
Mammalian HCA66 protein is required for both ribosome synthesis and centriole duplication.
Bonnart C, Gérus M, Hoareau-Aveilla C, Kiss T, Caizergues-Ferrer M, Henry Y, Henras AK. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jul;40(13):6270-89. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks234. Epub 2012 Mar 20. PMID: 22434888 Free PMC article.
[Elastase 2, a key player in the integrity of the epidermal barrier and in Netherton syndrome].
Bonnart C, Deraison C, Lacroix M, Hovnanian A. Med Sci (Paris). 2010 Aug-Sep;26(8-9):681-5. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2010268-9681. PMID: 20819697 French. No abstract available.
Elastase 2 is expressed in human and mouse epidermis and impairs skin barrier function in Netherton syndrome through filaggrin and lipid misprocessing.
Bonnart C, Deraison C, Lacroix M, Uchida Y, Besson C, Robin A, Briot A, Gonthier M, Lamant L, Dubus P, Monsarrat B, Hovnanian A. J Clin Invest. 2010 Mar;120(3):871-82. doi: 10.1172/JCI41440. Epub 2010 Feb 22. PMID: 20179351 Free PMC article.
Evolutionarily conserved function of RRP36 in early cleavages of the pre-rRNA and production of the 40S ribosomal subunit.
Gérus M, Bonnart C, Caizergues-Ferrer M, Henry Y, Henras AK. Mol Cell Biol. 2010 Mar;30(5):1130-44. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00999-09. Epub 2009 Dec 28. PMID: 20038530 Free PMC article.
Rrp36p is a novel component of the 90S preribosome, the assembly of which has been suggested to result from the stepwise incorporation of several modules, including the tUTP/UTP-A, PWP2/UTP-B, and UTP-C subcomplexes. We show that Rrp36p depletion does not impair the incorp …
Kallikrein 5 induces atopic dermatitis-like lesions through PAR2-mediated thymic stromal lymphopoietin expression in Netherton syndrome.
Briot A, Deraison C, Lacroix M, Bonnart C, Robin A, Besson C, Dubus P, Hovnanian A. J Exp Med. 2009 May 11;206(5):1135-47. doi: 10.1084/jem.20082242. Epub 2009 May 4. PMID: 19414552 Free PMC article.
Increased serine protease activity and cathelicidin promotes skin inflammation in rosacea.
Yamasaki K, Di Nardo A, Bardan A, Murakami M, Ohtake T, Coda A, Dorschner RA, Bonnart C, Descargues P, Hovnanian A, Morhenn VB, Gallo RL. Nat Med. 2007 Aug;13(8):975-80. doi: 10.1038/nm1616. Epub 2007 Aug 5. PMID: 17676051
LEKTI fragments specifically inhibit KLK5, KLK7, and KLK14 and control desquamation through a pH-dependent interaction.
Deraison C, Bonnart C, Lopez F, Besson C, Robinson R, Jayakumar A, Wagberg F, Brattsand M, Hachem JP, Leonardsson G, Hovnanian A. Mol Biol Cell. 2007 Sep;18(9):3607-19. doi: 10.1091/mbc.e07-02-0124. Epub 2007 Jun 27. PMID: 17596512 Free PMC article.
Kallikrein-mediated proteolysis regulates the antimicrobial effects of cathelicidins in skin.
Yamasaki K, Schauber J, Coda A, Lin H, Dorschner RA, Schechter NM, Bonnart C, Descargues P, Hovnanian A, Gallo RL. FASEB J. 2006 Oct;20(12):2068-80. doi: 10.1096/fj.06-6075com. PMID: 17012259
SPINK5, the defective gene in netherton syndrome, encodes multiple LEKTI isoforms derived from alternative pre-mRNA processing.
Tartaglia-Polcini A, Bonnart C, Micheloni A, Cianfarani F, Andrè A, Zambruno G, Hovnanian A, D'Alessio M. J Invest Dermatol. 2006 Feb;126(2):315-24. doi: 10.1038/sj.jid.5700015. PMID: 16374478
[Netherton syndrome: a model for studying the regulation of the desquamation process].
Descargues P, Deraison C, Bonnart C, Hovnanian A. Med Sci (Paris). 2005 May;21(5):457-8. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2005215457. PMID: 15885188 French. No abstract available.
LEKTI is localized in lamellar granules, separated from KLK5 and KLK7, and is secreted in the extracellular spaces of the superficial stratum granulosum.
Ishida-Yamamoto A, Deraison C, Bonnart C, Bitoun E, Robinson R, O'Brien TJ, Wakamatsu K, Ohtsubo S, Takahashi H, Hashimoto Y, Dopping-Hepenstal PJ, McGrath JA, Iizuka H, Richard G, Hovnanian A. J Invest Dermatol. 2005 Feb;124(2):360-6. doi: 10.1111/j.0022-202X.2004.23583.x. PMID: 15675955
Spink5-deficient mice mimic Netherton syndrome through degradation of desmoglein 1 by epidermal protease hyperactivity.
Descargues P, Deraison C, Bonnart C, Kreft M, Kishibe M, Ishida-Yamamoto A, Elias P, Barrandon Y, Zambruno G, Sonnenberg A, Hovnanian A. Nat Genet. 2005 Jan;37(1):56-65. doi: 10.1038/ng1493. Epub 2004 Dec 26. PMID: 15619623
LEKTI proteolytic processing in human primary keratinocytes, tissue distribution and defective expression in Netherton syndrome.
Bitoun E, Micheloni A, Lamant L, Bonnart C, Tartaglia-Polcini A, Cobbold C, Al Saati T, Mariotti F, Mazereeuw-Hautier J, Boralevi F, Hohl D, Harper J, Bodemer C, D'Alessio M, Hovnanian A. Hum Mol Genet. 2003 Oct 1;12(19):2417-30. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddg247. Epub 2003 Jul 29. PMID: 12915442
Motta JP, Rolland C, Edir A, Florence AC, Sagnat D, Bonnart C, Rousset P, Guiraud L, Quaranta-Nicaise M, Mas E, Bonnet D, Verdu EF, McKay DM, Buscail E, Alric L, Vergnolle N, Deraison C. Mucosal Immunol. 2021 May;14(3):667-678. doi: 10.1038/s41385-021-00375-w. Epub 2021 Mar 5. PMID: 33674762 Free PMC article.
Colitis Linked to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Induces Trypsin Activity Affecting Epithelial Functions.
Solà Tapias N, Denadai-Souza A, Rolland-Fourcade C, Quaranta-Nicaise M, Blanpied C, Marcellin M, Edir A, Rolland C, Cirillo C, Dietrich G, Alric L, Portier G, Kirzin S, Bonnet D, Mas E, Burlet-Schiltz O, Deraison C, Bonnart C, Vergnolle N, Barreau F. J Crohns Colitis. 2021 Sep 25;15(9):1528-1541. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab035. PMID: 33609354
A role for early oral exposure to house dust mite allergens through breast milk in IgE-mediated food allergy susceptibility.
Rekima A, Bonnart C, Macchiaverni P, Metcalfe J, Tulic MK, Halloin N, Rekima S, Genuneit J, Zanelli S, Medeiros S, Palmer DJ, Prescott S, Verhasselt V. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 May;145(5):1416-1429.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.12.912. Epub 2020 Jan 17. PMID: 31954775 Clinical Trial.
House dust mites activate nociceptor-mast cell clusters to drive type 2 skin inflammation.
Serhan N, Basso L, Sibilano R, Petitfils C, Meixiong J, Bonnart C, Reber LL, Marichal T, Starkl P, Cenac N, Dong X, Tsai M, Galli SJ, Gaudenzio N. Nat Immunol. 2019 Nov;20(11):1435-1443. doi: 10.1038/s41590-019-0493-z. Epub 2019 Oct 7. PMID: 31591569 Free PMC article.
Sexual dimorphism in PAR2-dependent regulation of primitive colonic cells.
Noguerol J, Roustan PJ, N'Taye M, Delcombel L, Rolland C, Guiraud L, Sagnat D, Edir A, Bonnart C, Denadai-Souza A, Deraison C, Vergnolle N, Racaud-Sultan C. Biol Sex Differ. 2019 Sep 6;10(1):47. doi: 10.1186/s13293-019-0262-6. PMID: 31492202 Free PMC article.
Active thrombin produced by the intestinal epithelium controls mucosal biofilms.
Motta JP, Denadai-Souza A, Sagnat D, Guiraud L, Edir A, Bonnart C, Sebbag M, Rousset P, Lapeyre A, Seguy C, Mathurine-Thomas N, Galipeau HJ, Bonnet D, Alric L, Buret AG, Wallace JL, Dufour A, Verdu EF, Hollenberg MD, Oswald E, Serino M, Deraison C, Vergnolle N. Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 19;10(1):3224. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11140-w. PMID: 31324782 Free PMC article.
Functional Proteomic Profiling of Secreted Serine Proteases in Health and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Denadai-Souza A, Bonnart C, Tapias NS, Marcellin M, Gilmore B, Alric L, Bonnet D, Burlet-Schiltz O, Hollenberg MD, Vergnolle N, Deraison C. Sci Rep. 2018 May 18;8(1):7834. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26282-y. PMID: 29777136 Free PMC article.
Protease-activated receptor 2 contributes to Toxoplasma gondii-mediated gut inflammation.
Bonnart C, Feuillet G, Vasseur V, Cenac N, Vergnolle N, Blanchard N. Parasite Immunol. 2017 Nov;39(11). doi: 10.1111/pim.12489. Epub 2017 Sep 27. PMID: 28881035
PAR2-dependent activation of GSK3β regulates the survival of colon stem/progenitor cells.
Nasri I, Bonnet D, Zwarycz B, d'Aldebert E, Khou S, Mezghani-Jarraya R, Quaranta M, Rolland C, Bonnart C, Mas E, Ferrand A, Cenac N, Magness S, Van Landeghem L, Vergnolle N, Racaud-Sultan C. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2016 Aug 1;311(2):G221-36. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00328.2015. Epub 2016 Jun 16. PMID: 27313176 Free PMC article.
Presence of commensal house dust mite allergen in human gastrointestinal tract: a potential contributor to intestinal barrier dysfunction.
Tulic MK, Vivinus-Nébot M, Rekima A, Rabelo Medeiros S, Bonnart C, Shi H, Walker A, Dainese R, Boyer J, Vergnolle N, Piche T, Verhasselt V. Gut. 2016 May;65(5):757-66. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2015-310523. Epub 2015 Dec 8. PMID: 26646935
Mutations in TFIIH causing trichothiodystrophy are responsible for defects in ribosomal RNA production and processing.
Nonnekens J, Perez-Fernandez J, Theil AF, Gadal O, Bonnart C, Giglia-Mari G. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Jul 15;22(14):2881-93. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddt143. Epub 2013 Apr 4. PMID: 23562818
Mammalian HCA66 protein is required for both ribosome synthesis and centriole duplication.
Bonnart C, Gérus M, Hoareau-Aveilla C, Kiss T, Caizergues-Ferrer M, Henry Y, Henras AK. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jul;40(13):6270-89. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks234. Epub 2012 Mar 20. PMID: 22434888 Free PMC article.
[Elastase 2, a key player in the integrity of the epidermal barrier and in Netherton syndrome].
Bonnart C, Deraison C, Lacroix M, Hovnanian A. Med Sci (Paris). 2010 Aug-Sep;26(8-9):681-5. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2010268-9681. PMID: 20819697 French. No abstract available.
Elastase 2 is expressed in human and mouse epidermis and impairs skin barrier function in Netherton syndrome through filaggrin and lipid misprocessing.
Bonnart C, Deraison C, Lacroix M, Uchida Y, Besson C, Robin A, Briot A, Gonthier M, Lamant L, Dubus P, Monsarrat B, Hovnanian A. J Clin Invest. 2010 Mar;120(3):871-82. doi: 10.1172/JCI41440. Epub 2010 Feb 22. PMID: 20179351 Free PMC article.
Evolutionarily conserved function of RRP36 in early cleavages of the pre-rRNA and production of the 40S ribosomal subunit.
Gérus M, Bonnart C, Caizergues-Ferrer M, Henry Y, Henras AK. Mol Cell Biol. 2010 Mar;30(5):1130-44. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00999-09. Epub 2009 Dec 28. PMID: 20038530 Free PMC article.
Rrp36p is a novel component of the 90S preribosome, the assembly of which has been suggested to result from the stepwise incorporation of several modules, including the tUTP/UTP-A, PWP2/UTP-B, and UTP-C subcomplexes. We show that Rrp36p depletion does not impair the incorp …
Kallikrein 5 induces atopic dermatitis-like lesions through PAR2-mediated thymic stromal lymphopoietin expression in Netherton syndrome.
Briot A, Deraison C, Lacroix M, Bonnart C, Robin A, Besson C, Dubus P, Hovnanian A. J Exp Med. 2009 May 11;206(5):1135-47. doi: 10.1084/jem.20082242. Epub 2009 May 4. PMID: 19414552 Free PMC article.
Increased serine protease activity and cathelicidin promotes skin inflammation in rosacea.
Yamasaki K, Di Nardo A, Bardan A, Murakami M, Ohtake T, Coda A, Dorschner RA, Bonnart C, Descargues P, Hovnanian A, Morhenn VB, Gallo RL. Nat Med. 2007 Aug;13(8):975-80. doi: 10.1038/nm1616. Epub 2007 Aug 5. PMID: 17676051
LEKTI fragments specifically inhibit KLK5, KLK7, and KLK14 and control desquamation through a pH-dependent interaction.
Deraison C, Bonnart C, Lopez F, Besson C, Robinson R, Jayakumar A, Wagberg F, Brattsand M, Hachem JP, Leonardsson G, Hovnanian A. Mol Biol Cell. 2007 Sep;18(9):3607-19. doi: 10.1091/mbc.e07-02-0124. Epub 2007 Jun 27. PMID: 17596512 Free PMC article.
Kallikrein-mediated proteolysis regulates the antimicrobial effects of cathelicidins in skin.
Yamasaki K, Schauber J, Coda A, Lin H, Dorschner RA, Schechter NM, Bonnart C, Descargues P, Hovnanian A, Gallo RL. FASEB J. 2006 Oct;20(12):2068-80. doi: 10.1096/fj.06-6075com. PMID: 17012259
SPINK5, the defective gene in netherton syndrome, encodes multiple LEKTI isoforms derived from alternative pre-mRNA processing.
Tartaglia-Polcini A, Bonnart C, Micheloni A, Cianfarani F, Andrè A, Zambruno G, Hovnanian A, D'Alessio M. J Invest Dermatol. 2006 Feb;126(2):315-24. doi: 10.1038/sj.jid.5700015. PMID: 16374478
[Netherton syndrome: a model for studying the regulation of the desquamation process].
Descargues P, Deraison C, Bonnart C, Hovnanian A. Med Sci (Paris). 2005 May;21(5):457-8. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2005215457. PMID: 15885188 French. No abstract available.
LEKTI is localized in lamellar granules, separated from KLK5 and KLK7, and is secreted in the extracellular spaces of the superficial stratum granulosum.
Ishida-Yamamoto A, Deraison C, Bonnart C, Bitoun E, Robinson R, O'Brien TJ, Wakamatsu K, Ohtsubo S, Takahashi H, Hashimoto Y, Dopping-Hepenstal PJ, McGrath JA, Iizuka H, Richard G, Hovnanian A. J Invest Dermatol. 2005 Feb;124(2):360-6. doi: 10.1111/j.0022-202X.2004.23583.x. PMID: 15675955
Spink5-deficient mice mimic Netherton syndrome through degradation of desmoglein 1 by epidermal protease hyperactivity.
Descargues P, Deraison C, Bonnart C, Kreft M, Kishibe M, Ishida-Yamamoto A, Elias P, Barrandon Y, Zambruno G, Sonnenberg A, Hovnanian A. Nat Genet. 2005 Jan;37(1):56-65. doi: 10.1038/ng1493. Epub 2004 Dec 26. PMID: 15619623
LEKTI proteolytic processing in human primary keratinocytes, tissue distribution and defective expression in Netherton syndrome.
Bitoun E, Micheloni A, Lamant L, Bonnart C, Tartaglia-Polcini A, Cobbold C, Al Saati T, Mariotti F, Mazereeuw-Hautier J, Boralevi F, Hohl D, Harper J, Bodemer C, D'Alessio M, Hovnanian A. Hum Mol Genet. 2003 Oct 1;12(19):2417-30. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddg247. Epub 2003 Jul 29. PMID: 12915442
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