L'inflammation intestinale s’accompagne souvent de douleurs abdominales, d’une hypercontractilité intestinale et d’altérations du métabolisme, notamment une hyperglycémie chronique. Notre groupe de recherche en neuro-gastro-entérologie vise principalement à mieux comprendre les mécanismes endogènes de régulation de la douleur viscérale et des fonctions digestives dans un contexte inflammatoire comprenant aussi les troubles endocriniens et métaboliques tels que l'obésité et le diabète.
Plus précisément, nous étudions les effets de la flore intestinale et des opioïdes d’origine hématopoïétique sur les systèmes nerveux entériques extrinsèque et intrinsèque et leurs répercussions sur l’inflammation, la douleur viscérale et le métabolisme du glucose. |
anciens membres
- Mesure de la douleur in vivo (réponse viscéro-motrice, filaments de von Frey)
- Identification et quantification des lipides par spectrométrie de masse
- Cultures primaires de neurones sensitifs humains / murins
- Cultures primaire de neurones entériques murins
- Métabolisme des lipides et du glucose (in vitro & in vivo)
- Mesure de la libération de NO et de H2O2 en temps réel dans les tissus in vivo & in vitro
- Techniques d’immunochimie et d’immunobiologie
- Mesure des contractions intestinales (télémétrie, isotonique)
- Modèles animaux de colite
- Modèles animaux de douleur viscérale
- Modèles animaux de troubles métaboliques
- Analyse taxonomique (LEfSe) et fonctionnelle (PICRUSt2) du microbiote intestinal
- Analyse du miRNome (ensemble des microARNs ou miRs) par small RNAseq
Reynders A, Jhumka ZA, Gaillard S, Mantilleri A, Malapert P, Magalon K, Etzerodt A, Salio C, Ugolini S, Castets F, Saurin AJ, Serino M, Hoeffel G, Moqrich A (2024). Gut microbiota promotes pain chronicity in Myosin1A deficient male mice. Brain Behav Immun.
Joubran P, Roux AF, Serino M, Deschamps JY (2024).Gut and Urinary Microbiota in Cats with Kidney Stones. Microorganisms.
Joubran P, Roux AF, Serino M, Deschamps JY (2024). Gut Microbiota Comparison in Rectal Swabs Versus Stool Samples in Cats with Kidney Stones. Microorganisms.
Bessard A, Cardaillac C, Oullier T, Cenac N, Rolli-Derkinderen M, Neunlist M, Venara A (2024). Alterations of Prostanoid Expression and Intestinal Epithelial Barrier Functions in Ileus. J Surg Res.
Hueber A, Kulyk H, Damont A, Nicol E, Alves S, Liuu S, Green M, Bertrand-Michel J, Cenac N, Fenaille F, Tabet JC (2024). Energy Resolved Mass Spectrometry for Interoperable Non-resonant Collisional Spectra in Metabolomics. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom.
Amarsi R, Furse S, Cleaton MAM, Maurel S, Mitchell AL, Ferguson-Smith AC, Cenac N, Williamson C, Koulman A, Charalambous M (2024). A co-ordinated transcriptional programme in the maternal liver supplies long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids to the conceptus using phospholipids. Nat Commun.
Almeida PP, Brito ML, Thomasi B, Mafra D, Fouque D, Knauf C, Tavares-Gomes AL, Stockler-Pinto MB. (2024) Is the enteric nervous system a lost piece of the gut-kidney axis puzzle linked to chronic kidney disease? Life Sciences.
Espinosa E (2024). Neutrophils on the mast cell menu. J Leukoc Biol.
Battut L*, Leveque E*, Valitutti S, Cenac N, Dietrich G, Espinosa E (2024). IL-33-primed human mast cells drive IL-9 production by CD4+ effector T cells in an OX40L-dependent manner. Front Immunol.
Leveque E, Battut L, Petitfils C, Valitutti S, Cenac N, Dietrich G, Espinosa E (2024). Alternative activation of mast cells by CD4+ T helper cells. J Leukoc Biol.
Astre G, Créchet L, Pomié N, Pereira O, Cani PD, Knauf C, Abot A (2024). Protocol for the preclinical evaluation of gut barrier function and immune interaction in an HT-29/PBMC Co-culture Model. Star Protocols.
Van Hul M*, Neyrinck M*, Everard A*, Abot A*, Bindels LB*, Delzenne NM*, Knauf C*, Cani PD*. (2024). Role of the intestinal microbiota in contributing to weight disorders and associated comorbidities. Clinical Microbiology Reviews.
Abot A, Pomié N, Astre G, Cani PD, Aussant J,Barrat E, Knauf C. (2024). Effect of the dietary supplement PERMEAPROTECT+ TOLERANCE© on gut permeability in a human co-culture epithelial and immune cells model. Heliyon.
Cikes D, Leutner M, Cronin SJF, Novatchkova M, Pfleger L, Klepochová R, Lair B, Lac M, Bergoglio C, Viguerie N, Dürnberger G, Roitinger E, Grivej M, Rullman E, Gustafsson T, Hagelkruys A, Tavernier G, Bourlier V, Knauf C, Krebs M, Kautzky-Willer A, Moro C, Krssak M, Orthofer M, Penninger JM. (2024). Gpcpd1-GPC metabolic pathway is dysfunctional in aging and its deficiency severely perturbs glucose metabolism. Nature Aging.
Moens de Hase E, Petitfils C, Alhouayek M, Depommier C, Le Faouder P, Delzenne NM, Van Hul M, Muccioli GG, Cenac N*, Cani PD*. (2023). Dysosmobacter welbionis effects on glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism are associated with specific bioactive lipids. J Lipid Res.
Carlé C, Boucher D, Morelli L, Larue C, Ovtchinnikova E, Battut L, Boumessid K, Airaud M, Quaranta‑Nicaise M, Ravanat JL, Dietrich G, Menard S, Eberl G, Barnich N, Mas E, Carriere M, Al Nabhani Z, Barreau F. (2023).Perinatal foodborne titanium dioxide exposure-mediated dysbiosis predisposes mice to develop colitis through life. Particle and Fibre Toxicology.
Mas-Orea X*, Rey L*, Battut L, Bories C, Petitfils C, Abot A, Gheziel N, Wemelle E, Blanpied C, Motta JP, Knauf C, Barreau F, Espinosa E, Aloulou M, Cenac N, Serino M, Mouledous L, Fazilleau N, Dietrich G. (2023). Proenkephalin deletion in hematopoietic cells induces intestinal barrier failure resulting in clinical feature similarities with irritable bowel syndrome in mice. Communications Biology.
Abot A, Brochot A, Pomié N, Astre G, Druart C, de Vos WM, Knauf C, Cani PD. (2023). Pasteurized Akkermansia muciniphila improves glucose metabolism is linked with increased hypothalamic nitric oxide release. Heliyon.
Carneiro L, Marousez L, Van Hul M, Tran LC, De Lamballerie M, Ley D, Cani PD, Knauf C, Lesage J. (2023). The Sterilization of Human Milk by Holder Pasteurization or by High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing Leads to Differential Intestinal Effects in Mice. Nutrients.
Abot A, Pomié N, Astre G, Jaomanjaka F, Marchand P, Cani PD, Roudier N, Knauf C. (2023). Limosilactobacillus reuteri BIO7251 administration improves metabolic phenotype in obese mice fed a high fat diet: an inter-organ crosstalk between gut, adipose tissue and nervous system. Int J Food Sci Nutr.
Cani PD, Knauf C. (2023). Gnotobiotic mice housing conditions makes the difference in the context of obesity! Gut.
Cikes D, Elsayad K, Sezgin E, Koitai E, Ferenc T, Orthofer M, Yarwood R, Heinz LX, Sedlyarov V, Miranda ND, Taylor A, Grapentine S, Al-Murshedi F, Abot A, Weidinger A, Kutchukian C, Sanchez C, Cronin SJF, Novatchkova M, Kavirayani A, Schuetz T, Haubner B, Haas L, Hagelkruys A, Jackowski S, Kozlov A, Jacquemond V, Knauf C, Superti-Furga G, Rullman E, Gustafsson T, McDermot J, Lowe M, Radak Z, Chamberlain JS, Bakovic M, Banka S, Penninger JM. (2023). PCYT2-regulated lipid biosynthesis is critical to muscle health and ageing. Nature Metabolism.
Ramos-Llorca A, Decraecker L, Cacheux VMY, Zeiburlina I, De Bruyn M, Battut L, Moreno-Cinos C, Ceradini D, Espinosa E, Dietrich G, Berg M, De Meester I, Van Der Veken P, Boeckxstaens G, Lambeir AM, Denadai-Souza A, Augustyns K. (2023). Chemically diverse activity-based probes with unexpected inhibitory mechanisms targeting trypsin-like serine proteases. Frontiers in Chemistry .
Carneiro L, Fenech C, Liénard F, Grall S, Abed B, Haydar J, Allard C, Desmoulins L, Paccoud R, Brindisi MC, Mouillot T, Brondel L, Fioramonti X, Pénicaud L, Jacquin-Piques A, Leloup C. (2023). Hypothalamic glucose hypersensitivity induced insulin secretion in the obese Zücker rat is reversed by central ghrelin treatment. Antioxid Redox Signal.
Hueber A, Green M, Ujma J, Richardson K, Gimbert Y, Cenac N, Bertrand-Michel J, Tabet JC. (2023). Energy-Resolved Ion Mobility Spectrometry: Composite Breakdown Curves for Distinguishing Isomeric Product Ions. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom.
Lê A, Selle A, Aubert P, Durand T, Brosseau C, Bordron P, Delage E, Chaffron S, Petitfils C, Cenac N, Neunlist M, Bodinier M, Rolli-Derkinderen M. (2023). Maternal prebiotic supplementation impacts colitis development in offspring mice. Front Nutr.
Berger M, Guiraud L, Dumas A, Sagnat D, Payros G, Rolland C, Vergnolle N, Deraison C, Cenac N, Racaud-Sultan C. (2022). Prenatal stress induces changes in PAR2- and M3-dependent regulation of colon primitive cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol.
Petitfils C, Maurel S, Payros G, Hueber A, Agaiz B, Gazzo G, Marrocco R, Auvray F, Langevin G, Motta JP, Floch P, Tremblay-Franco M, Galano JM, Guy A, Durand T, Lachambre S, Durbec A, Hussein H, Decraecker L, Bertrand-Michel J, Saoudi A, Oswald E, Poisbeau P, Dietrich G, Melchior C, Boeckxstaens G, Serino M, Le Faouder P, Cenac N. (2022). Identification of bacterial lipopeptides as key players in IBS. Gut.
Chambrion C, Depond M, Angella L, Mouri O, Kendjo E, Fricot-Monsinjon A, Roussel C, Biligui S, Tantaoui I, Taieb A, Argy N, Houzé S, Piarroux R, Siriez JY, Jaureguiberry S, Larréché S, Théllier M, Cenac N, Buffet P, Ndour PA. (2022) . Altered Subpopulations of Red Blood Cells and Post-treatment Anemia in Malaria. Front Physiol.
Abot A, Fried S, Cani PD, Knauf C. (2022). Reactive Oxygen Species/Reactive Nitrogen Species as Messengers in the Gut: Impact on Physiology and Metabolic Disorders. Antioxid Redox Signal.
Wemelle E, Marousez L, de Lamballerie M, Knauf C, Lesage. (2022). High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing of Human Milk Increases Apelin and GLP-1 Contents to Modulate Gut Contraction and Glucose Metabolism in Mice Compared to Holder Pasteurization. J. Nutrients.
Almeida PP, Thomasi BBM, Menezes ÁC, Da Cruz BO, Costa NDS, Brito ML, Pereira AD, Castañon CR, Degani VAN, Magliano DC, Knauf C, Tavares-Gomes AL, Stockler-Pinto MB. (2022). 5/6 nephrectomy affects enteric glial cells and promotes impaired antioxidant defense in the colonic neuromuscular layer. Life Sci.
Carneiro L, Knauf C, Mansuy-Aubert V. (2022). Neural Control of Energy Homeostasis and Energy Homeostasis Regulation of Brain Function. Front Neurosci.
Abot A, Brochot A, Pomié N, Wemelle E, Druart C, Régnier M, Delzenne NM, de Vos WM, Knauf C, Cani PD. (2022). Camu-Camu Reduces Obesity and Improves Diabetic Profiles of Obese and Diabetic Mice: A Dose-Ranging Study. Metabolites.
Wemelle E, Carneiro L, Abot A, Lesage J, Cani PD, Knauf C. (2022). Glucose Stimulates Gut Motility in Fasted and Fed Conditions: Potential Involvement of a Nitric Oxide Pathway. Nutrients.
Wemelle E, Marousez L, Lesage J, De Lamballerie M, Knauf C, Carneiro L. (2022). In Vivo Assessment of Antioxidant Potential of Human Milk Treated by Holder Pasteurization or High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing: A Preliminary Study on Intestinal and Hepatic Markers in Adult Mice. Antioxidants (Basel).
Abot A, Robert V, Fleurot R, Dardente H, Hellier V, Froment P, Duittoz A, Knauf C, Dufourny L. (2022). How does apelin affect LH levels? An investigation at the level of GnRH and KNDy neurons. Mol Cell Endocrinol.
Cani PD, Knauf C. (2022). Gnotobiotic mice housing conditions makes the difference in the context of obesity! Gut.
Xavier Mas-Orea, Lilian Basso, Catherine Blanpied, Claire Gaveriaux-Ruff, Nicolas Cenac, Gilles Dietrich. (2022). Delta opioid receptors on nociceptive sensory neurons mediate peripheral endogenous analgesia in colitis.
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Wemelle E, Marousez L, de Lamballerie M, Knauf C, Lesage J. (2022). High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing of Human Milk Increases Apelin and GLP-1 Contents to Modulate Gut Contraction and Glucose Metabolism in Mice Compared to Holder Pasteurization. Nutrients. 14(1):219.
Amandine Hueber, Yves Gimbert, Jean-Marie Galano, Alexandre Guy, Thierry Durand, Nicolas Cenac, Justine Bertrand-Michel, Jean-Claude Tabet. (2022) Identification of bacterial lipo-amino acids: origin of regenerated fatty acid carboxylate from dissociation of lipo-glutamate anion. Amino acids.
Amandine Hueber, Camille Petitfils, Pauline Le Faouder, Geoffrey Langevin, Alexandre Guy , Jean-Marie Galano, Thierry Durand, Jean-François Martin, Jean-Claude Tabet, Nicolas Cenac, Justine Bertrand-Michel. (2022) Discovery and quantification of lipoamino acids in bacteria. Analytica Chimica Acta
Carneiro L, Pellerin L. (2021). Nutritional Impact on Metabolic Homeostasis and Brain Health. Front Neurosci.
Xavier Mas-Orea , Morgane Sebert , Mehdi Benamar , Camille Petitfils , Catherine Blanpied , Abdelhadi Saoudi , Céline Deraison , Frederick Barreau , Nicolas Cenac , Gilles Dietrich (2021).Peripheral Opioid Receptor Blockade Enhances Epithelial Damage in Piroxicam-Accelerated Colitis in IL-10-Deficient Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Abot A, Fried S, Cani PD, Knauf C. (2021). Reactive Oxygen Species/Reactive Nitrogen Species as Messengers in the Gut: Impact on Physiology and Metabolic Disorders. Antioxid Redox Signal. doi: 10.1089/ars.2021.0100.
Fried S, Wemelle E, Cani PD, Knauf C. (2021). Interactions between the microbiota and enteric nervous system during gut-brain disorders. Neuropharmacology.197:108721.
Cani PD, Knauf C. (2021). A newly identified protein from Akkermansia muciniphila stimulates GLP-1 secretion. Cell Metab. 33(6):1073-1075.
Genevois, A.L., Ruel, J., Penalba, V., Hatton, S., Petitfils, C., Ducrocq, M., Principe, P., Dietrich, G., Greco, C., and Delmas, P. (2021). Analgesic Effects of Topical Amitriptyline in Patients With Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Mechanistic Insights From Studies in Mice. J Pain 22, 440-453.
Chagneau, C.V., Massip C, Bossuet-Greif, N., Fremez, C., Motta, J.P., Shima, A., Besson, C., Le Faouder, P., Cenac, N., Roth, M.P., Coppin, H., Fontanié, M., Martin, P., Nougayrède, J.P., and Oswald, E. (2021). Uropathogenic E. coli induces DNA damage in the bladder. PLoS Pathog. 17(2):e1009310.
Regnier, M., Van Hul, M., Knauf, C., and Cani, P.D. (2021). Gut microbiome, endocrine control of gut barrier function and metabolic diseases. J Endocrinol 248, R67-R82.
Serhan, N., Cenac, N., Basso, L., and Gaudenzio N. (2021). Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors (Mrgprs) - Key regulators of neuroimmune interactions. Neurosci Lett. 749:135724.
Auge, C., Basso, L., Blanpied, C., Vergnolle, N., Game, X., Chabot, S., Lluel, P., and Dietrich, G. (2021). Pain management in a model of Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome by a vaccinal strategy. Front Pain Res.
Greco, C., Basso, L., Désormeaux, C., Fournel, A., Demuynck, B., Lafendi, L., Chapiro, S., Lemoine, A., Zhu, Y., Knauf, C., Cenac, N., Boucheix, C., and Dietrich, G. (2021). Endothelin-1 exhibiting pro-nociceptive and pro-peristaltic activities is increased in peritoneal carcinomatosis. Front Pain Res.
Tapias, N.S., Denadai-Souza, A., Rolland-Fourcade, C., Quaranta-Nicaise, M., Blanpied, C., Marcellin, M., Edir, A., Rolland, C., Cirillo, C., Dietrich, G., Alric, L., Portier, G., Kirzin, S., Bonnet, D., Mas, E., Burlet-Schiltz, O., Deraison, C., Bonnart, C., Vergnolle, N., and Barreau, F. (2021). Colitis-linked to endoplasmic reticulum stress induces trypsin activity affecting epithelial functions. J Crohns Colitis.
Frankel, D., Davies, M., Bhushan, B., Kulaberoglu, Y., Urriola-Munoz, P., Bertrand-Michel, J., Pergande, M.R., Smith, A.A., Preet, S., Park, T.J., Vendruscolo, M., Rankin, K.S., Cologna, S.M., Kumita, J.R., Cenac, N, and St John Smith, E. (2020). Cholesterol-rich naked mole-rat brain lipid membranes are susceptible to amyloid beta-induced damage in vitro. Aging (Albany NY). 12(21):22266-22290.
Pujo, J., Petitfils, C., Le Faouder, P., Eeckhaut, V., Payros, G., Maurel, S., Perez-Berezo, T., Van Hul, M., Barreau, F., Blanpied, C., Chavanas, S., Van Immerseel, F., Bertrand-Michel, J., Oswald, E., Knauf, C., Dietrich, G., Cani, P.D., and Cenac, N. (2020). Bacteria-derived long chain fatty acid exhibits anti-inflammatory properties in colitis. Gut. gutjnl-2020-321173
Abot, A., Wemelle, E., Laurens, C., Paquot, A., Pomie, N., Carper, D., Bessac, A., Mas Orea, X., Fremez, C., Fontanie, M., Alexandre Lucas, Jean Lesage, Amandine Everard, Etienne Meunier, Gilles Dietrich, Giulio G Muccioli, Cedric Moro, Patrice D Cani, Claude Knauf (2020). Identification of new enterosynes using prebiotics: roles of bioactive lipids and mu-opioid receptor signalling in humans and mice. Gut.
Bréa, D., Soler, L., Fleurot, I., Melo, S., Chevaleyre, C., Berri, M., Labas, V., Teixeira-Gomes, A.P., Pujo, J., Cenac, N., Bähr, A., Klymiuk, N., Guillon, A., Si-Tahar, M., and Caballero, I. (2020). Intrinsic alterations in peripheral neutrophils from cystic fibrosis newborn piglets. J Cyst Fibros. 19(5):830-836
Basso, L., Benamar, M., Mas-Orea, X., Deraison, C., Blanpied, C., Cenac, N., Saoudi, A., and Dietrich, G. (2020). Endogenous control of inflammatory visceral pain by T cell-derived opioids in IL-10-deficient mice. Neurogastroenterol Motil 32, e13743.
Talmont, F., Veneziano, R., Dietrich, G., Mouledous, L., Mollereau, C., and Zajac, J.M. (2020). Pharmacological insight into the activation of the human neuropeptide FF2 receptor. Peptides 134, 170406.
Knauf, C., Abot, A., Wemelle, E., and Cani, P.D. (2020). Targeting the Enteric Nervous System to Treat Metabolic Disorders? "Enterosynes" as Therapeutic Gut Factors. Neuroendocrinology 110, 139-146.
Bautzova T, Hockley JRF, Perez-Berezo T, Pujo J, Tranter MM, Desormeaux C, Barbaro MR, Basso L, Le Faouder P, Rolland C, Malapert P, Moqrich A, Eutamene H, Denadai-Souza A, Vergnolle N, St John Smith E, Hughes DI, Barbara G, Dietrich G, Bulmer D, Cenac N. (2018) 5-oxoETE triggers nociception in constipation predominant irritable bowel syndrome through MAS-related G protein coupled receptor D. Sci. Signal. In press
Desormeaux C, Bautzova T, Garcia-Caraballo S, Rolland C, Barbaro MR, Brierley SM, Barbara G, Vergnolle N, Cenac N. (2018) Protease-activated receptor 1 is implicated in irritable bowel syndrome mediators-induced signaling to thoracic human sensory neurons. Pain. 159(7):1257-1267.
Abot A, Lucas A, Bautzova T, Bessac A, Fournel A, Le-Gonidec S, Valet P, Moro C, Cani PD, Knauf C. (2018) Galanin enhances systemic glucose metabolism through enteric Nitric Oxide Synthase-expressed neurons. Mol Metab. 10:100-108.
Basso L, Boué J, Augé C, Deraison C, Blanpied C, Cenac N, Lluel P, Vergnolle N, Dietrich G. (2018) Mobilization of CD4+ T lymphocytes in inflamed mucosa reduces pain in colitis mice: toward a vaccinal strategy to alleviate inflammatory visceral pain. Pain. 159(2):331-341.
Basso L, Garnier L, Bessac A, Boué J, Blanpied C, Cenac N, Laffont S, Dietrich G. (2018) T-lymphocyte-derived enkephalins reduce Th1/Th17 colitis and associated pain in mice.
J Gastroenterol. 53(2):215-226.
Bessac A, Cani PD, Meunier E, Dietrich G, Knauf C. (2018) Inflammation and Gut-Brain Axis During Type 2 Diabetes: Focus on the Crosstalk Between Intestinal Immune Cells and Enteric Nervous System. Front Neurosci. 12:725.
Abot A, Cani PD, Knauf C. (2018) Impact of Intestinal Peptides on the Enteric Nervous System: Novel Approaches to Control Glucose Metabolism and Food Intake. Front Endocrinol. 9:328.
Rezg R, Abot A, Mornagui B, Aydi S, Knauf C. (2018) Effects of Bisphenol S on hypothalamic neuropeptides regulating feeding behavior and apelin/APJ system in mice. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 161:459-466.
Guivarc'h E, Buscato M, Guihot AL, Favre J, Vessières E, Grimaud L, Wakim J, Melhem NJ, Zahreddine R, Adlanmerini M, Loufrani L, Knauf C, Katzenellenbogen JA, Katzenellenbogen BS, Foidart JM, Gourdy P, Lenfant F, Arnal JF, Henrion D, Fontaine C. (2018) Predominant Role of Nuclear Versus Membrane Estrogen Receptor α in Arterial Protection: Implications for Estrogen Receptor α Modulation in Cardiovascular Prevention/Safety. J Am Heart Assoc. 7(13).
Rastelli M, Knauf C, Cani PD. (2018) Gut Microbes and Health: A Focus on the Mechanisms Linking Microbes, Obesity, and Related Disorders. Obesity. 26(5):792-800.
Pérez-Berezo T, Pujo J, Martin P, Le Faouder P, Galano JM, Guy A, Knauf C, Tabet JC, Tronnet S, Barreau F, Heuillet M, Dietrich G, Bertrand-Michel J, Durand T, Oswald E, Cenac N. (2017) Identification of an analgesic lipopeptide produced by the probiotic Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917. Nat Commun. 8(1):1314.
Fournel A, Drougard A, Duparc T, Marlin A, Brierley SM, Castro J, Le-Gonidec S, Masri B, Colom A, Lucas A, Rousset P, Cenac N, Vergnolle N, Valet P, Cani PD, Knauf C. (2017) Apelin targets gut contraction to control glucose metabolism via the brain. Gut. 66(2):258-269.
Reiss D, Ceredig RA, Secher T, Boue J, Barreau F, Dietrich G, Gavériaux-Ruff C. (2017) Mu and delta opioid receptor knockout mice show increased colonic sensitivity. Eur J. Pain. 21:623-634.
Al Nabhani Z, Dietrich G, Hugot JP, Barreau F. (2017) Nod2: the intestinal gate keeper. PLoS Pathog. 13(3):e1006177
Alessi MC, Cenac N, Si-Tahar M, Riteau B. (2017) FPR2: A Novel Promising Target for the Treatment of Influenza. Front Microbiol. 8:1719.
Bonnart C, Feuillet G, Vasseur V, Cenac N, Vergnolle N, Blanchard N. (2017) Protease-activated receptor 2 contributes to Toxoplasma gondii-mediated gut inflammation. Parasite Immunol. 39(11).
Bashashati M, Fichna J, Piscitelli F, Capasso R, Izzo AA, Sibaev A, Timmermans JP, Cenac N, Vergnolle N, Di Marzo V, Storr M. (2017) Targeting fatty acid amide hydrolase and transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 simultaneously to modulate colonic motility and visceral sensation in the mouse: A pharmacological intervention with N-arachidonoyl-serotonin (AA-5-HT). Neurogastroenterol Motil. 29(12).
Rolland-Fourcade C, Denadai-Souza A, Cirillo C, Lopez C, Jaramillo JO, Desormeaux C, Cenac N, Motta JP, Larauche M, Taché Y, Berghe PV, Neunlist M, Coron E, Kirzin S, Portier G, Bonnet D, Alric L, Vanner S, Deraison C, Vergnolle N. (2017) Epithelial expression and function of trypsin-3 in irritable bowel syndrome. Gut. 66(10):1767-1778.
Casemayou A, Fournel A, Bagattin A, Schanstra J, Belliere J, Decramer S, Marsal D, Gillet M, Chassaing N, Huart A, Pontoglio M, Knauf C, Bascands JL, Chauveau D, Faguer S. (2017) Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor-1β Controls Mitochondrial Respiration in Renal Tubular Cells. J Am Soc Nephrol. 28(11):3205-3217.
Ramírez S, Gómez-Valadés AG, Schneeberger M, Varela L, Haddad-Tóvolli R, Altirriba J, Noguera E, Drougard A, Flores-Martínez Á, Imbernón M, Chivite I, Pozo M, Vidal-Itriago A, Garcia A, Cervantes S, Gasa R, Nogueiras R, Gama-Pérez P, Garcia-Roves PM, Cano DA, Knauf C, Servitja JM, Horvath TL, Gomis R, Zorzano A, Claret M. (2017) Mitochondrial Dynamics Mediated by Mitofusin 1 Is Required for POMC Neuron Glucose-Sensing and Insulin Release Control. Cell Metab. 25(6):1390-1399.
Nicolas S, Blasco-Baque V, Fournel A, Gilleron J, Klopp P, Waget A, Ceppo F, Marlin A, Padmanabhan R, Iacovoni JS, Tercé F, Cani PD, Tanti JF, Burcelin R, Knauf C, Cormont M, Serino M. (2017) Transfer of dysbiotic gut microbiota has beneficial effects on host liver metabolism. Mol Syst Biol. 13(3):921.
Lecoutre S, Marousez L, Drougard A, Knauf C, Guinez C, Eberlé D, Laborie C, Vieau D, Lesage J, Breton C. (2017) Maternal undernutrition programs the apelinergic system of adipose tissue in adult male rat offspring. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 8(1):3-7.
Dietrich G, Barreau F. (2017) Le microbiote : un acteur décisif dans le syndrome de l’intestin irritable ? mt Pédiatrie. 20 :203-212.
Cani PD, Knauf C. (2016) How gut microbes talk to organs: The role of endocrine and nervous routes. Mol Metab.5(9):743-52.
Drougard A, Fournel A, Marlin A, Meunier E, Abot A, Bautzova T, Duparc T, Louche K, Batut A, Lucas A, Le-Gonidec S, Lesage J, Fioramonti X, Moro C, Valet P, Cani PD, Knauf C. Central chronic apelin infusion decreases energy expenditure and thermogenesis in mice. (2016) Sci Rep. 23;6:31849.
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